What Are The Prices At Pho Vi Van

Pho Vi Van
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Pho Vi Van Menu Prices 2025


Appetizers – Khai Vị

A1. Chå Gio (4)$6.45 
A1. Chå Gio$4.95 
A2. Gỏi Cuốn Tôm Thịt (2)$6.45 
A2. Gỏi Cuốn Tôm Thịt$4.95 
A3. Goi Cuon Töm (2)$6.45 
A4. Hoånh Thånh Chién$4.95 
A3. Goi Cuon Gå (2)$6.45 
A5. Cånh Gå Chien Nuroc Måm$7.50 
A4. Hoånh Thånh Chién (8)$6.45 
A6. Chem Chép Nurong$7.50 
A5. Cånh Gå Chien Nuoc Måm (5)$9.00 
Chicken Wings with Fish Sauce$7.50 

Beef Noodle Soup – Phở

P1. Pho D�c Biet$13.00 
P1. Pho Däc Biet$10.50 
P2. Pho Töm$12.00 
P3. Pho Tåi$11.00 
P4. Pho Chin$11.00 
P5. Pho Bö Vién$11.00 
P6. Pho Tåi Bö Vién$11.00 
P7. Pho Chin Bo Vién$11.00 
P8. Pho G�$11.90 
P8. Pho Gå$9.50 
P9. Phå Tai Chin$11.00 
P10. Phå Khöng Thit$8.00 

Rice/Egg Noodle Soup Hu Tieu/Mi Nuoc

N1. Hu Tieu/Mi Biét$9.95 
N7. Hü TiéU/Mi Sa Té Déc Biét$9.95 

Noodle Soup – Hu Tieu/Mi

Your choice of egg noodles or rice noodles.
N1. Hu Tieu/Mi Dac Biét$12.00 
N2. Mi Hoånh Thånh$11.50 
N3. Hü TiéU/Mi Gå$11.00 
N4. Hu TiéU/Mi Töm$12.00 
N5. Hü TiéU/Mi Tom, Xå Xiu$12.00 
N6. Hü Tieu/ Mi Sa Té$11.00 
N7. Hü Tiéu/Mi Sa Té Dac Biét$12.00 

Sandwiches – Banh Mi

M1. Banh Mi Dac Biet$6.45 
M2. Bånh Mi Xa Xiu$6.45 
M3. Bånh Mi Thit Nuong$6.45 
M4. Bånh Mi Thit Xé$6.45 
M5. Bånh Mi Gå Nuong$6.45 
M6. Banh Mi Chay$6.45 
M7. Bånh Mi Thit Bö Xåo$7.45 

Vermicelli Entrées – Bun

All are served on vermicelli, lettuce, cucumber, carrots, bean sprouts, fish sauce and ground peanut.
B2. Bün Thit Nurong, Chå Gio$9.50 
B3. Bün Thit Nurong Töm$9.95 
B4. Bün Thit Nurong$8.95 
B5. Bün Gå Nurong$12.95 
B6. Bün Tom Nurong$10.50 
B7. Bün Chå Giö$9.50 
B8. Bün Nem Nurong$8.95 
B9. Bün Bo Nurong$8.95 

Vermicelli Noodles – Bün

B1. Bün Dac Biet$12.00 
B2. Bün Thit Nuong, Chå Giö$11.00 
B3. Bun Thit Nuong, Tom$12.00 
B4. Bun Thit Nuong$11.00 
B5. Bun Ga Nuong$11.00 
B6. Bun Ga Nuong, Cha Gio$11.00 
B7. Bun Ga Nuong, Tom$12.00 
B8. Bun Ga Nuong, Tom, Cha Gio$12.00 
B9. Bun Tom Nuong$12.00 
B10. Bun Cha Gio$11.00 
B11. Bun Bo Xao$12.00 
B12. Bun Suon Bo Nuong$12.00 

Rice Entrées – Com Dia

All entrées are served with steamed rice.
C2. Com Thit Nurong$9.50 
C3. Com Gå Nurong$8.95 
C4. Com Suon Nurong$8.95 
C5. Cam Thit Nurong, Töm Nurong$8.95 
C6. Com Xåo Thap Cäm$8.95 
C7. Com Chién Thap Cam$10.50 

Rice Entrées – Com

All entrées are served with steamed rice.
C1. Com Dac Biet$12.00 
C2. Com Thit Nuong$11.00 
C3. Com Gå Nuong$11.00 
C4. Com Tom Nuong$12.00 
C5. Cam Thit Nuong, Töm Nuong$12.00 
C6. Com Ga Nuong, Töm Nuong$12.00 
C7. Com Ga Dac Biet$12.00 
C8. Com Canh Ga Chien Nuoc Mam$12.00 
C9. Com Suon Bo Nuong$13.50 
C10. Com Xåo Bo Gå Heo Tom$12.00 
C11. Com Chien Thap Cam$12.00 
C12. Com Ga Chien Gion$12.00 

Vegetarian Dishes- Mon Chay

V1. Chå Gio Chay$6.45 
V2. Goi Cuon Chay$6.45 
V3. Pho Chay$11.00 
V4. Hi Tiéu Chay$11.00 
V4. Hi Tiéu Chay/Mi Chay$8.95 
V4. Hi Tiéu Mi Chay$11.00 
V5. Bün Bo Chay$12.00 
V6. Bün Chå Gio Chay$11.00 
V6. Bün Dåu Hü$11.00 
V7. Goi Dau Hu$10.00 
V8. Mi Xåo Chay$12.00 
V9. Cå RI Chay$12.00 
V11. Corn Xåo Thap Cam Chay$8.95 
V10. Com Chien Chay$11.00 
V11. Stir Fried Vegetables & Tofu$12.00 
V12. Mi Sa Té Chay$11.00 

Special Entress

S1. Bün Bo Hue$12.00 
S2. Mi Xåo$12.00 
S2. Mi Xåo Thöp Cäm$11.50 
S3. Goi Gå$10.00 
S3. Gåi Gå$8.50 
S4. Goi Töm Thit$10.00 
S5. Mi Xao$12.00 
S6. Ca Hoi Xao Rau Cai$14.00 
S7. Ca Ri Ga$12.00 

Vietnamese Sandwiches Banh Mi

M3. Lemon Grass Pork Sandwich$4.95 
M5. Lemon Grass Chicken$4.95 

Beverage – Giai Khat

D1. Cfae Sua Da/ Cafe Sura Nong$3.50 
D4. Nuoc Chanh Turoi$3.50 
D6. Trå Nöng$2.00 
Fresh Coconut$3.95 

Beverage – Desserts

D1. Cafe Sua Da/ Cafe Sura Nong$5.00 
D2. Sua Dau Nanh$4.00 
D3. Nuoc Dua Tuoi$5.50 
D4. Nuoc Chanh Tuoi$5.00 
D5. Soft Drinks$2.50 
D7. Sinh to Bo$5.00 
D8. Sinh to Xoåi$5.00 
D9. Sinh to Dåu$5.00 
D10. Sinh to Dåu Vå Chuoi$5.50 
D11. Trå Thåi$4.00 
D12. Bubble Tea$5.00 
D13. Sesame Ball with Sweet Red Bean$5.45 
D14. French Macarons$1.50 

Pho Vi Van Hours (Opening And Closing)

DaysOpening TimesClosing Times
Friday-Saturday10:30 a.m.12:00 p.m.
Sunday-Thursday11:00 a.m.11:00 p.m.

Pho Vi Van Near Me

Pho Vi Van History

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.